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Borneo Law Review Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/bolrev.v5i2.2317


AbstractAn agreement is an event where one person without a loan or where two people promise each other to do something. The agreement issues an agreement between two people that is made. agreement in the form of a quote containing promises or promises that are spoken or written. The employment agreement is also contained in Article 1601 a BW, namely "a search agreement is an agreement with the name of one party, binding himself under the orders of another party, the employer, for a certain period of time, doing work by receiving wages, labor agreement giving birth employment relationship, between employers and workers based on work agreements, who have jobs, wages and orders. The work agreement which in Dutch is usually called Arbeidsovereenkoms, the first definition is stated in the provisions of Article 1601a of the Civil Code which states that: "A work agreement is an agreement in which the first party, the worker, binds under the leadership of another party, the employer, for a certain period of time, performs under the leadership of another party, the employer, for a certain time. wages. “There are relatively few violations or legal aspects committed by employers related to the provision of workers' rights. However, it is the opposite in the regions. Employers have the maximum time limit permitted by Law Number 13 of 2013 concerning the period of PKWT. The provision of workers' rights that are given time such as wages, working hours and social security still does not meet expectations. lies in two things, the first factor is the implementation of the PKWT rules that are not in accordance with the requirements. Employers should not hire workers for something that is not needed in the course of the company. Most of the types and nature of work required are jobs that are part of the core work of the production process and are permanent in nature. So that there has been a fatal violation of Article 59 of the Manpower Law, which is caused by the object of work that is prohibited by the provisions of the law against PKWT. Judging from the fact that the time allotted, workers should have changed their status to PKWTT, because they have been doing permanent work.Keywords: PKWT certain time work agreements, unlawful
Borneo Law Review Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/bolrev.v5i2.2318


AbstractThe phenomenon that has occurred in Indonesia is the determination of mental disorders which procedurally do not meet the elements of only looking at the physical condition of the perpetrators of criminal acts. This research was conducted based on how the procedure in determining a person has a mental disorder according to criminal procedural law, Is the decision of the Simalungun District Court Judge Number: 207/Pid.B/2015/Pn.Sim in accordance with the criminal procedure law in dealing with defendants with mental disorders. To find out the procedure for dealing with criminals who are suspected of having mental disorders in terms of proving and applying certainty to the perpetrators and knowing the considerations in the decisions discussed in imposing the release of perpetrators with mental disorders. This research method is the type of juridical and normative research, approach to the problem of sources of legal materials, techniques of collecting legal materials, analysis of legal materials. Conclusion The decision of the Simalungun District Court Number 207/Pid.B/2015/Pn.Sim, in determining the mental state of the defendant is only based on the judge's belief so that it is not bound by the procedures intended by criminal procedural law by involving expert witnesses, to prove the mental state of the defendant. where the psychiatrist should have a very important role in the trial considering the limited capabilities possessed by a judge in terms of mental health.Keywords: Release Decision, Lawsuits, Criminal Actors
Borneo Law Review Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/bolrev.v5i2.2313


ABSTRAKPekerja seks komersial adalah pekerjaan yang sampai sekarang dapat ditemui di tengah-tengah masyarakat Indonesia dan merupakan pekerjaan yang yang dinilai negatif baik dalam agama dan norma yang ada di Indonesia. Peraturan yang diatur di Indonesia mengenai Pekerja seks komersial pun dinilai masih belum mendapat perhatian karena hanya mengatur mengenai mucikari dan lokalisasi, hal ini mengakibatkan status saksi yang sampai saat ini diterima oleh psk merupakan ketidakadilaan bagi mucikari sekaligus memberi ruang kepada psk untuk bekerja tanpa jera karena tidak adanya kepastian hukum bagi kedudukan psk yang dimana sampai saat ini peraturan di Indonesia hanya mengatur tentang mucikari serta perdagangaan orang secara paksa.Kata Kunci : PSK, Saksi, HukumABSTRACTCommercial sex workers are jobs that until now can be found in the midst of Indonesian society and are jobs that are considered negative both in religion and norms in Indonesia. The regulations that are regulated in Indonesia regarding commercial sex workers are also considered to have not received attention because they only regulate pimping and lokalisasi, this results in the status of witnesses that have been accepted by the psk as unfair for pimps and at the same time giving space for psk to work without deterrence because they are not There is legal certainty for the position of psk which until now the regulations in Indonesia only regulate pimping and trafficking in persons by force.Keywords: prostitutes, witnesses and law
Borneo Law Review Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/bolrev.v5i2.2319


AbstractThe state recognizes the existence of the village as the lowest unit in the Indonesian government system. The village has a very large influence on the success of the administration of the government system so that the Act guarantees the recognition and protection of the village's traditional rights and provides freedom to organize its own government system. However, in practice, legal problems arise, namely regarding the position of village regulations and the mechanism for canceling village regulations because in their provisions the cancellation of village regulations is not found in Law Number 6 of 2014 and is instead regulated in PP. 43 of 2014. The purpose of writing this scientific paper is to analyze the position of village regulations in statutory regulations, the mechanism for canceling village regulations and the legal implications of village regulations being canceled by the Regent/Mayor. The research method that will be used in this study is a normative legal research method that will examine based on the rules, principles and norms contained in the legislation.Keywords: Village; Village Regulations; Village Autonomy; Laws and Regulations; Cancellation of Village RegulationsAbstrakNegara mengakui keberadaan desa sebagai unit terendah dalam sistem pemerintahan Indonesia. Desa memiliki pengaruh yang sangat besar akan keberhasilan penyelenggaraan sistem pemerintahan sehingga Undang-Undang menjamin pengakuan dan perlindungan terhadap hak-hak tradisional desa serta memberikan kebebasan dalam menyelenggarakan sistem pemerintahan sendiri. Namun dalam praktiknya, problematika hukum muncul yaitu terkait kedudukan peraturan desa dan mekanisme pembatalan peraturan desa karena dalam ketentuannya pembatalan peraturan desa tidak ditemukan didalam Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 dan justru diatur alam PP No. 43 Tahun 2014. Tujuan penulisan karya ilmiah ini adalah untuk menganalisa kedudukan peraturan desa dalam peraturan perundang-undangan, mekanisme pembatalan peraturan desa dan bagaimana implikasi hukum peraturan desa yang dibatalkan oleh Bupati/Walikota. Metode penelitian yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif yang akan mengkaji berdasarkan kaidah, asas dan norma-norma yang tertuang didalam peraturan perundang-undangan.Kata Kunci: Desa; Peraturan Desa; Otonomi Desa; Peraturan Perundang-Undang; Pembatalan Peraturan Desa.
Borneo Law Review Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/bolrev.v5i2.2314


AbstractThis research aims to find out and understand the meaning of crime and criminal acts and how is the accountability of the perpetrators of criminal acts spreading fake news through social media. The conclusion of the research is that a criminal act or a criminal act is an act that is incompatible with or violates a legal rule or an act that is prohibited by a legal rule accompanied by a criminal sanction where the rule is aimed at the act while the threat or criminal sanction is aimed at the person who commits or the person. that caused the incident and the perpetrators of the crime of spreading fake news through social media can be held accountable if they violate Article 28 paragraph (1) of the ITE Law, which is an act intentionally, and without the right to spread false and misleading news that results in consumer losses in Electronic Transactions, at where the perpetrator can be sentenced to imprisonment of up to 6 (six) years and/or a maximum fine of Rp 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion rupiah). Research suggestions are to prevent participating in spreading fake news, we should eliminate the habit of sharing content without reading the contents thoroughly. then we should not easily believe or be tempted by certain news or offers through social media so that we do not become victims of fake news or offers through social media.Keywords: Criminal Liability; Fake News; Social Media.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami pengertian tindak pidana dan tindak pidana serta bagaimana pertanggungjawaban pelaku tindak pidana menyebarkan berita palsu melalui media sosial. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa perbuatan pidana atau tindak pidana merupakan suatu perbuatan yang tidak sesuai atau melanggar suatu aturan hukum atau perbuatan yang dilarang oleh aturan hukum yang disertai dengan sanksi pidana yang mana aturan tersebut ditujukan kepada perbuatan sedangkan ancamannya atau sanksi pidananya ditujukan kepada orang yang melakukan atau orang yang menimbulkan kejadian tersebut. Kemudian pelaku tindak pidana penyebaran berita bohong melalui media sosial dapat dimintakan pertanggungjawabannya apabila melanggar Pasal 28 ayat (1) UU ITE yaitu suatu perbuatan dengan sengaja, dan tanpa hak menyebarkan berita bohong dan menyesatkan yang mengakibatkan kerugian konsumen dalam Transaksi Elektronik, di mana terhadap pelaku dapat dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 6 (enam) tahun dan/atau denda paling banyak Rp1.000.000.000,00 (satu miliar rupiah). Saran penelitian adalah untuk mencegah turut serta menjadi penyebar berita bohong, maka hendaknya kita menghilangkan kebiasaan membagikan konten tanpa membaca isinya secara menyeluruh. Kemudian hendaknya kita jangan mudah percaya atau tergiur dengan adanya berita atau penawaran tertentu melalui media sosial sehingga kita tidak menjadi korban berita atau penawaran bohong melalui media sosial.Kata kunci: Tanggung Jawab Pidana; Berita Bohong; Media sosial.
Borneo Law Review Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/bolrev.v5i2.2320


ABSTRACTIn the current era of free trade, there are many cosmetics on the market with various types of brands. The desire of a woman to always look beautiful is widely used by irresponsible business actors by producing or trading cosmetics that do not meet the requirements or existing rules for circulation to the public. Badan Pengawas Obat dan makanan (BPOM) there are a number of cosmetics that contain hazardous materials, bahan kimia obat(BKO) that can harm the human body. Therefore, the use of medicinal chemicals containing hazardous materials in the manufacture of cosmetics is prohibited. The application of the principle of product liability is an absolute must for cosmetic business actors, both legal cosmetics and illegal cosmetics that contain hazardous chemicals. Responsibilities both civil and criminal sanctions are mandatory so that business actors feel deterred and afraid to distribute illegal cosmetics and contain hazardous chemicals. The existence of Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection and other laws and regulations is expected to have a positive influence on business actors and consumers, and is expected to be a legal umbrella to minimize arbitrary actions from business actors to protect the interests of consumers so that later can guarantee the achievement of a legal protection for consumers in Indonesia Keyword : product liability, illegal cosmetics, consumer protectionABSTRAKPada era perdagangan bebas sekarang ini banyak kosmetik yang beredar di pasaran dengan beraneka jenis merek. Keinginan seorang wanita untuk selalu tampil cantik banyak dimanfaatkan oleh pelaku usaha yang tidak bertanggung jawab dengan cara memproduksi atau memperdagangkan kosmetik yang tidak memenuhi persyaratan atau aturan yang ada untuk di edarkan kepada masyarakat. Menurut Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) ada sejumlah kosmetik yang mengandung bahan yang berbahaya,antara lain berupa Bahan Kimia Obat (BKO) yang dapat membahayakan tubuh manusia. Oleh karena itu penggunaan bahan kimia obat yang mengandung bahan berbahaya dalam pembuatan kosmetik itu dilarang. Penerapan prinsip product liability menjadi sesuatu yang mutlak bagi pelaku usaha kosmetik baik kosmetik legal maupun kosmetik illegal yang mengandung bahan kimia berbahaya. Tanggungjawab baik secara perdata maupun sangsi pidana menjadi hal yang wajib agar pelaku usaha merasa jera serta takut untuk mengedarkan kosmetik illegal dan megandung bahan kimia berbahaya. Keberadaan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 tentang perlindungan konsumen serta peraturan perundnag undnagan yang lain diharapkan akan dapat memberikan pengaruh positif terhadap pelaku usaha dan konsumen, serta diharapkan dapat menjadi payung hukum untuk meminimalisir tindakan sewenang-wenang dari para pelaku usaha untuk melindungi kepentingan konsumen sehingga nantinya dapat menjamin tercapainya suatu perlindungan hukum bagi konsumen di IndonesiaKata Kunci : produk liability, kosmetik ilegal, perlindungan konsumen
Borneo Law Review Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/bolrev.v5i2.2315


AbstrakOrang Rohingya adalah etnis minoritas Muslim yang tinggal di Provinsi Arakan, Myanmar Barat Laut. Rohingya telah mengalami berbagai bentuk pelanggaran HAM, termasuk kejahatan genosida. Pembatasan ketat atas hak kebebasan bergerak bagi etnis Rohingya. Pemerintah Myanmar mengeluarkan Undang-undang Kewarganegaraan yang membuat diskriminasi bebas dilakukan terhadap orang-orang tanpa status kewarganegaraan. Isu yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah tindakan yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Myanmar, termasuk kategori kejahatan genosida, dan upaya penyelesaian sengketa antara Pemerintah Myanmar dan etnis Rohingya. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis penelitian hukum normatif (studi literatur dan literatur yang berkaitan dengan genosida). Pendekatan yang dilakukan dengan pendekatan historis, pendekatan konseptual, pendekatan perundang-undangan, dan pendekatan kasus. Hasil penelitian didasarkan pada beberapa unsur sesuai dengan Pasal 6 Statuta Roma 1998, yang menyatakan bahwa tindakan Pemerintah Myanmar terhadap etnis Muslim Rohingya merupakan kejahatan genosida. Upaya Penyelesaian Sengketa ini dilakukan dengan jalur litigasi, karena penyelesaian non litigasi belum menemukan titik terang untuk sengketa ini, dan yang menangani kasus ini adalah Pengadilan Pidana Internasional di pengadilan ICC.Kata Kunci: Etnis Rohingya; Pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia; Kejahatan Genosida; dan Hukum Pidana InternasionalAbstractThe Rohingya people are a Muslim ethnic minority who live in Arakan Province, Northwestern Myanmar. The Rohingya have experienced various forms of human rights violations, including the crime of genocide. Strict restrictions on the right to freedom of movement for ethnic Rohingya. The Myanmar government issued the Citizhenship Law which makes free discrimination carried out against people without citizenship status. The issues discussed in the research were the actions carried out by the Government of Myanmar, including the category of a genocide crime, and efforts to resolve disputes between the Myanmar Government and the Rohingya ethnicity. This type of research is to use the type of normative legal research (literature study and literature related to genocide). The approach is carried out with a historical approach, a conceptual approach, a statutory approach, and a case approach. The results of the research are based on several elements in accordance with Article 6 of the 1998 Rome Statute, which states that the actions taken by the Government of Myanmar against ethnic Muslim Rohingya are a crime of genocide. This Dispute Resolution effort is carried out by litigation, because non-litigation resolutions have not found a bright spot for this dispute, and the one handling this case is the International Criminal Court in the ICC court.Keywords: Rohingya ethnicity; Human Rights Violations; Genocide Crimes; and International Criminal Law
Borneo Law Review Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Desember 2021
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Borneo Tarakan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35334/bolrev.v5i2.2316


AbstractThe development of today's technology makes it easy to make ends meet. But behind the ease of not a few causing problems particularly regarding the validity and completion process extremely difficult, both non-litigation especially in litigation, because the legal relationship is conducted through the virtual world without face-to-face direct (electronic transactions). Agreements that do not qualify subjective (Article 1320 BW) and there is compliance achievement, the agreement is valid, but the legal consequences, which may be requested cancellation. If not requested cancellation to the judge, the agreement remains binding on both parties (the sender and receiver). Conversely, if the objective conditions are not met then, the agreement is null and void. Evidence used in Electronic Commerce is the electronic evidence as stipulated in Law No. 11 Year 2008 on Information and Electronic Technology is an electronic document such as micro film and data storage devices. However, other evidence will still be required, if it can make the light and give confidence in the truth to the judge for an event it is not contrary to the law.Keywords: Electronic Commerce, Evidence, private law.AbstrakPerkembangan teknologi saat ini memberikan kemudahan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Namun di balik kemudahan tidak sedikit menimbulkan problematika khususnya mengenai keabsahan dan proses penyelesaiannya yang sangat sulit, baik secara non litigasi terlebih lagi secara litigasi, karena hubungan hukum tersebut dilakukan melalui dunia maya tanpa tatap muka secara langsung (transaksi elektronik). Perjanjian yang tidak memenuhi syarat subyektif (Pasal 1320 BW) dan ada pemenuhan prestasi, maka perjanjian tersebut sah, akan tetapi menimbulkan akibat hukum, yaitu dapat dimintakan pembatalan. Jika tidak dimintakan pembatalan kepada Hakim, maka perjanjian itu tetap mengikat kedua belah pihak (pihak pengirim dan penerima). Sebaliknya, jika syarat obyektif tidak terpenuhi maka, perjanjian tersebut batal demi hukum. Alat bukti yang digunakan dalam Electronic Commerce adalah bukti elektronik sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Teknologi Elektronik yaitu dokumen elektronik seperti micro film dan alat penyimpanan data. Akan tetapi, alat bukti yang lain tetap akan diperlukan, jika hal tersebut dapat membuat terang dan memberikan keyakinan dalam menemukan kebenaran kepada hakim terhadap suatu peristiwa sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan undangundang.Kata kunci : Electronic commerce, pembuktian, hukum perdata

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